Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Training Your Wolf Hybrid Puppy

Now that you have decided to go with a wolf hybrid puppy, the next step is training.  I will give you some of my experiences and a few steps to follow.  If you are successful, you will have a loving new addition to your family. 
Let us look at what you will need for training supplies next. 
1.      Leash
2.      Collar
3.      Toys – Lots of chew toys because wolf hybrid puppies love to chew.
4.      Training reward treats
5.      A place to isolate the puppy – such as a crate, an unused bedroom, a basement, or six foot chain link fence.
Now we start the training process.  Remember you must be patient and that your wolf hybrid puppy will try your patience.
1.      The first step is to socialize your wolf hybrid puppy.  Hybrid wolf puppies need lots of contact with their family.   So start the socialization process with the family if there is a family.  This can be with other family pets and the human family members.  Next take the wolf hybrid puppy out in public to as many places as possible as soon as possible. Be sure to use the collar and the leash anytime you take your wolf hybrid into a public setting.  The collar and leash are for your protection as well as others.  Lawsuits are in abundance these days and you do not need one.  The more experiences the wolf hybrid puppy encounters the less likely they are to be overly aggressive or shy which wolves tend to be.  My wolf hybrid male is still very shy and timid in public because he did not receive enough public socialization early on. 
2.      Visit your veterinarian for shots, heart worm, and a general checkup.  This is a good way to get them around other animals and people if you have no other pets or family members.  This step is probably the most important step for your peace of mind to make sure your puppy is healthy and ready to be trained.
3.      If you have never owned a pet before, you are going to need help.  This can be thru online research or an animal trainer.   If you can afford obedience training and have a class in your area, enroll the two of you in obedience training.  This will help in the socializing of the animal and teach you how to become a better trainer yourself.  If you cannot afford obedience training, websites such as or are great tools to learn how to train your hybrid wolf puppy.
4.      Daily interaction with your hybrid wolf puppy is very important from the first day you bring home your puppy.  Play games with them.   Teach them which toys are their toys.  Without these parameters on what they can and cannot play with, your home and property will be destroyed.  You may find clothes and shoes chewed.  Or, a couch that the puppy used for digging its’ den.  Wolves dig and chew as an instinct and this instinct has to be curtailed.  You should also exercise your hybrid wolf puppy daily.  A game of fetch is a great exercise for the puppy and you. Once you teach the puppy how to fetch properly, you do not have to do as much work.  Wolves are high strung and have lots of energy that needs to be expended and therefore so does your hybrid wolf puppy.  
5.      Your puppy should also be handled daily.  The puppy needs to get use to a humans touch.  So as the owner of a hybrid wolf puppy, start with petting of the body and ears.  Then start checking the puppies’ teeth, eyes, and tail.  Then check the puppies’ genitals.  These habits are important for the owner and the puppy both.   This allows the owner to check for health issues and makes their trips to a veterinarian a little easier too.  It also allows the owner to check for any flee or tick problems that need to be addressed.   
6.      Wolves have larger brains than dogs and are therefore more intelligent.  For you as the owner of a hybrid wolf puppy, this means you will need to stimulate the puppies’ brain daily.  Teach it new tricks and games.  Introduce new toys to the puppy.  Do not leave your puppy without brain stimulation for long because it will learn things on its own that you may not want it learning.   Talk with your puppy.  Yes I said talk with the puppy.  Wolves are very vocal animals and like to talk.  If trained properly, the puppy will carry on a conversation with you just like a human would.  I still do not know what my female hybrid mother wolf is saying to me but we talk two and three times per day.  I have learned thru the years to ask her certain questions to start our conversations.  As a puppy she had no example of how to howl from another animal, so I taught her by example with a Tarzan yell.  Now I can say “Do Tarzan” and she will howl.  She prefers to howl at night though just like a wolf in the wild would. 
7.      Wolves have a bone crushing bite.  Wolf hybrid puppies will want to bite and chew everything.  Find them things to chew on that have nothing to do with furniture or shoes or anything you want to keep.  My favorite chew toy to give my hybrid wolf pets is old milk jugs.  They love them and I still have all my shoes and most of my furniture.  I made the mistake of letting one puppy chew on a scrap piece of wood.  One day I came home to a couch leg that looked nothing like its’ original state.  Next, let us address the biting your puppy will want to do nonstop.  You must stop this habit when the puppy is very young which means from bite number one.  Different forms of discipline are available to you.  You can make crying sounds and tell them that they hurt you.  You can slap their nose and tell them that they hurt you and to not bite you.  It is important to talk with your wolf hybrid puppy when disciplining them.  They are very intelligent and learn very fast.  Do not let any bite go unpunished.
8.      We will now talk about housetraining or potty training your wolf hybrid puppy for those who will keep their puppy inside.  The easiest way to potty train any animal is by example.  What I mean by this is if you have another animal that is already potty trained, they will just go in and out with them and lead by example.  You of course have to go with them to ensure that they have done their business.  You will then praise them for what they have done.  After a few trips, you can gage if more training is needed.  If you have no other pets, the process is a little more labor intense and drawn out.  Do not put papers down for a wolf hybrid puppy to use.  This gets them in the habit of going inside which is the wrong behavior to teach.  You take them out at regular intervals to do their business and praise them when they have done so.  Be patient.  This takes time and accidents will happen.
9.      If your hybrid wolf puppy has demonstrated bad behavior and you want to punish them,   the best form of punishment for a social animal is isolation.  This can be done thru crate training.  One may opt to put the puppy in an unused bedroom.  Another option is put the puppy in a basement if you have it.  I happen to use the basement because I have it and they cannot tear up as much of my personal belongings in the basement.  Depending on your climate another option is a fenced in area outside.  This is a little like a child’s time out.  You put the hybrid wolf puppy in isolation and tell them why they are there.  As you bring them out, you remind them why they were there and not to do the bad behavior again.
10.  Reinforce good behavior with treats, hugs, petting, and words of praise.  You like to be recognized when you do a good job and so does your wolf hybrid puppy.  Use the same treat each time you are rewarding them for one particular lesson.  An example would be giving them a dog biscuit and only a dog biscuit after each successful potty training session.  Be consistent with your training and your verbiage.  If you want your puppy to learn what it means to  get in their bed, do not use “Go to your bed” one day and “Get on your pillow” another day.  You will only confuse your puppy. 
Good luck with your new hybrid wolf puppy.  I know it will bring lots of joy and love to your household as mine have to my household.  As always, if I can help or answer any questions feel free to post them.


  1. This is so fun! I've never even thought of buying wolf hybrid puppies before, but now I totally want to! Is there a place that's better than others to get them from? I don't want to support the large, inhumane puppy breeding companies.

    1. useful information on topics that plenty are interested on for this wonderful post.Admiring the time and effort you put into your b!.. puppy training infographics

  2. I think it was be so cool to have a wolf hybrid puppy! I wonder the chances of it having wild instincts and being vicious and carnal. As long as they are chill, Id definitely look into getting one to live with me in my cabin. Where can i find wolf hybrid puppies?

    1. Most breeders will not sell someone a wolf hybrid just because they think it's cool to have one. Let me ask. Ard you looking for a high content?

  3. Thank you so much for the helpful information. I have been looking hard to find tips for training our four wolf hybrid puppies . We love them and hope that we can get them behaving better.

  4. Another great help for wolf hybrids is Wolfdogs: A-Z. Here is a link:

  5. Will my hybrid howl even I I don't teach him and would it be good for him to play with other hybrids?

  6. you would discover how to work with your dog, so that your dog will respond to you at increasing levels of energy.
    Naturaly Dog Training will change your relationship with your dog,
    its may go deeper emotional connection based on satisfying your dog’s innermost desires. - See more at:

    House Training a puppy

  7. We are beyond your 10 step program with our wolf hybrid 5 month old pup. We are at the point of figuring out a perfect diet for her without the diarrhea that goes along with our regular collies and Chihuahua's diets'. We feed them non-grain expensive food, etc. And it still does not work with out the diarrhea. I have done rice, chicken (homemade), and HIGH protein food with her, that works, but a lot of work. My questions are: Is there a dog high protein (cat high protein), that will work for all of them. Our pup is getting aggressive with her food, because we have to feed her separately from our main dogs, only because she has a total different diet. So, if you can, let me know what dog food would work the best for all of them. She is becoming aggressive with her food. This will not work with a multiple dog family. Please enlightened me.

    1. Sorry - this is a year later and I hope you resolved the diarrhea -- but a note. Too much is blamed on diets, regarding diarrhea. Puppies often have parasites and Cryptosporidium unbiquitum (not as well recognized by vets as it should be (only isolated in pups about 7 - 8 years ago - and affects most ruminants and mammals). A well developed immune system can usually keep this organism in check - but, puppies are more vulnerable. A good vet will Rx Alinia, which is approved for dogs now - but need to address the nausea it will cause (give an antiemetic). Combo med with azithromycin is even more effective in killing off the vegetative form of the organism and resolving symptoms of secretory diarrhea.

      So -- when diarrhea persists despite your heroic efforts on food quality etc. must consider an infectious cause (can be Giardia often, too, as dogs do have a high fecal veneer - get feces from other animals into their systems - either eat or on their paws which they later groom). BTW - allergic causes are rare - and you gave the scenario of multiple dogs exhibiting symptoms -- which speaks loudly to infectious etiology. Same diet should not affect all the different dogs and species you note -- unless it contains a substance that is known to induce loose or watery stools.

    2. We feed our hybrid ol Roy high protein dog food, with occasional raw meat

    3. We feed our hybrid ol Roy high protein dog food, with occasional raw meat

    4. Its the d
      DHA some of the no grain pet-foods diet that gives them the runs. Try something with no DHA in it.

    5. we feed our hybrid Essence dog food. Definitely pricey but it is one of the best on the market that i have found. We also give her raw meat 1-2x a day so she is getting a mixture of "kibble" and actual meat. Our hybrid also had an issue with diarrhea from several different foods I've tried. I had her checked and she was negative for all parasites and once we changed food she would be good for a while then the issue would come back. We have been using essence for about 6 months now and no issues :). Good luck with your wolfie <3

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this information, it's been a really in teresting read,Thanks for the great tips. Doggonit Obedience

  9. I have wolf hybrid ivr had her bout 5 days. An shes really shy like stays in corner of a room but when we approach her shes fine licks us an lays on us but wont come out of corner

  10. Yes, indeed. Good information posted by Eva. A would like to add a note please, regarding house training. NEVER lose your cool with any dog - especially a wolf-dog (WD) mix when they do something you don't like or mess in the house. It is natural for them to relieve themselves and they will develop the 'habit' of going outside where you designate, as they learn it is what you want (they are still wired to please you). But, with any child/puppy - must be very proactive (take them out often and, of course, much praise when they do their business). If they mess up in the house - give them a firm 'no' and then take out to the proper place outside -- talk to them about 'pottying outside' keep it very simple. As Eva said -- talking is important to the intelligent wolf-dog and they do have language centers that can trap these words and short phrases. In addition -- rub and praise the WD after going over this phrase while standing on the right place for them to potty. They will simply develop the habit. I got my rescue wolf-white shepherd (14 months old ) mostly house trained within a month to where I just about trusted him implicitly. Then there were 'marking' events (and old habits- a previous tendency to sneak to a place and squat and squirt (SS) I call it). Perhaps, this SS was an undesirable behaviour picked up in his long termed rescue shelter environment or previous situation.

    But, I simply reinforce the message with a firm 'no' and follow the above. He often will jump into the potty pit (a designated area where the other 2 white shepherds go religiously) and humor me with a quick SS. This lets me know that he understands what I want. He definitely wishes to please me (most of the time).

    Unfortunately - old advice still lingers out there where people think that one should 'punish' a dog for pottying inside. All this does is make him fear you and erode trust. He will connect that the 'act' leads to punishment -- but he is not capable of 'forethought' (they possess very little frontal lobe activity - about 7% whereas the human brain about 27%). He cannot stop himself before the act and think "oh, I better not relieve myself here cause I'll be punished". People misunderstand that when a dog resists going to the site of the deed or looks sheepish when coming out of a room they snuck off to -- that the dog gets it. No - they do not. They get that they will be in trouble - but cannot associate why the act itself gets them into trouble. Dogs DO NOT respond to fear and punishment. This will crush them - leading to anxiety and other behaviour issues.

    So - patience and repetition at nauseum. Clean up the site of the mess and follow with a good drenching of an enzyme solution (BIZ either dissolved in hot water or the liquid form are excellent and not as costly as that sold at pet stores). A dog has about 300 million nose bud receptors compared to humans' 6 million. We cannot begin to comprehend their world of scent. They WILL find that one lingering molecule. If a site becomes a targeted zone -- after very good cleaning - feed him at the site - then leave kibble sprinkled around the area. I have become used to kibble here and there. My WD finds it and eats it (all the better) and I replace it accordingly. This does help deter the behaviour. Thought we were good after several weeks - but once I removed the kibble - he hit the spot again. So, back to the kibble everywhere.

  11. What about sleeping situation? When I'm asleep in my bed, where's the best place for the dog to sleep?

    1. My wolf hybrid never sleeps in the actual bed but sleeps on a dog bed right next to us and I suggest getting the good indestructible dog bed we have been through 5 of them since finding the right one. When it is wind down time in our house we dim the lights and let her know its time to chill out and give her a chew bone and she chews for a half hour then finds a spot on the floor next to us to sprawl out and relax. This breed of dog is very smart sometimes I think she is smarter than me, she has a great personality and I would not have it any other way.

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