Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Meet My Hybrid Wolf Family

Cherokee At 4 Weeks Old

 I want you to meet my hybrid wolf family.  First is Cherokee who is a mix of wolf and husky.  She is the mother of Buster and Cheyenne who are a mix of wolf, husky, and chocolate Labrador.  I call Buster and Cheyenne chocolate wolves. 

Cherokee At 8 Months Old

Cherokee At 8 Years Old

Cherokee stands about twenty five inches high at the shoulder.  She is forty eight inches long not including her seventeen inch tail.  She weighs about ninety pounds.  Cherokee has a soft fluffy coat that is softer than the softest blanket.  She has the typical undercoat that most wolves have.  The coat hairs are about two inches long.  Female wolves are smaller than their male counterparts.  Cherokee is about the size of a large male husky only with longer legs and a lot of wolf features.  She is very loving and gentle.  She loves her hugs and belly rubs.  She shows strong alpha traits but I am the alpha in this house.  I am certain that when I am not around, she is in charge.  Cherokee is very vocal and will carry on a conversation with me.  She also will howl when prompted by my Tarzan yell. 


Cheyenne and Buster are from Cherokee’s one and only litter of thirteen puppies.  Cheyenne stands about twenty three inches high at the shoulder.  She is forty six inches long not including her fifteen inch tail.  Cheyenne weighs about eighty pounds.  Cheyenne has a blending of the chocolate lab and the wolf when it comes to her body style and coat.  Her body shape looks like that of a Labrador.  The coat is a blend of wolf colors and chocolate lab colors.  The coat is a longer length coat than a Labrador but shorter length than that of a wolf.  Cheyenne has strong beta characteristics and will quickly move into her mothers’ role as the leader when Cherokee is gone.  Cheyenne tends to be more of a loner when interacting with the family.  She will sleep in a room all by herself while the other two are with me.  Cheyenne is very loving though.  She loves her ears and back to be rubbed.  Cheyenne is the only one of the three that I can take outside of the fence area.  She stays right with me and will not run off.  This is probably because she has more Labrador traits.  Cherokee and Buster will run off and scope out their territory which is a wolf trait.  This is a trait that I could live without.


Buster is about twenty five inches high at the shoulder.  He is forty eight inches long not including his seventeen inch tail.  Buster weighs about eight five pounds.  If Buster had a larger percentage of wolf genes in him, he would be larger than his mother Cherokee.   Buster has a unique blending of wolf and chocolate Labrador.  His body looks like a wolf with long legs, a tall stature, long nose, and a straight tail.   He does not have the wolf ears which point forward and up.  The ears point forward like a wolf and flop down like the Labrador.   His coat is all chocolate Labrador though.  His coat is short in length and has a silky-shinny texture.  Buster is very much the omega in the family hierarchy.  Buster is very sweet and gentle with all of his girls.  He is out numbered three to one in the female to male ratio in the household.  He loves any form of petting he can get especially his belly rubs.  Buster was neutered at the age of one so there will be no more surprise litters.
Cherokee, Cheyenne, and Buster all have no dew claw on their hind paws.  This is a strong wolf trait.  All three have large paws like the wolf with Cherokee’s paws being the largest.  In the photos, you will also see a strong wolf trait in all of their eye color.  Wolves tend to have a golden yellow color eye and all three of my hybrid wolf pets have that color.  Cherokee comes into heat once a year while Cheyenne comes into heat two times a year.  Wolves have annual estrus cycle while dogs have a semiannual estrus cycle.  All three shed their coat twice a year in the spring and the fall.  The summer and winter coats then form after the shedding.  This makes for a lot of vacuuming and lint rolling of my clothes.  This is three times the work due to the fact there are three hybrid wolf pets in my home.
I do not allow any of my hybrid wolf pets on the living room furniture.  Wolves dig instinctively for their dens and to get to cool soil to lie on.  I made the mistake of allowing my first hybrid wolf Maggie on the living room furniture.  I came home one day to find that Maggie had dug thru the couch cushions to the framework of the couch.  I learned an expensive lesson about hybrid wolf pets that day.
All three of my wolf hybrid pets are very intelligent with their own personalities.  Cherokee and Cheyenne have both learned how cool my marble top coffee and end tables are to the touch.  Now at least one end table and the coffee table are designated for them to lie on and look out the big plate glass window.  As I write this blog, Cheyenne is sprawled out on the coffee table sleeping.  I expect her to start snoring anytime.  Yes she snores but not the other two.  Buster has learned to push open the basement door so he can go out thru their doggie door.  He has not learned how to turn the knob yet and I have to turn it for him.  Cherokee will put her front paws on my shoulders when I say “Up” and pat my chest.  Each of my hybrid wolf pets are able to understand what I am saying to them.  I have spent many hours training them and stimulating their brains.  The outcome is I have three wolf hybrid pets that obey me, keep me company, understand what I am saying, and make wonderful additions to my family.  I will only own hybrid wolf pets now because there is a difference in their intelligence and their family dynamics over that of a regular dog.


  1. i have to say that Cherokee looks a lot (at least in color) to my hybrid, Smoke. He's got some of the wolf grey coloring, but he's more yellow and blond. He's Malamute/timber and so adorable. The wolf is very strong in him and at 7 weeks old, already comes when I say his name, snap my fingers, and point to my feet.

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